Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Plymouth Performance & End of Semester

This past Sunday, I went to Plymouth to hear soprano Elisabeth Halliday & saxophonist Zach Herchen perform some of my work, including one little piece that I'd completely forgot I sent their way. I was blown out of the water by their energy, and am still feeling quite ecstatic about the whole experience.

They are raising money to commision voice/sax pieces, and record them. I worked with Zach over this past summer when he came to NEC for a new music institute and played my duos with a soprano. On the day of this performance, I was able to meet some friends of theirs in Brookline who were driving down to hear them. I find myself constantly harping on my love of car travel, as it is a rarity for me these days. It took us less than an hour to get there from the city. Had I taken a train, it would have been more of a schlep.

The venue was in a house owned by a doctor who regularly hosts performances there. The house (2 blocks from the waterfront) is quite old, and the second floor living space holds about 80-100 listeners. Plymouth is a relatively small town, but after a full semester of the city, it's particular atmosphere suggests something much more spacious, and simultaneously cozy.

After the performance, we went to Zach's parents house for a reception. They live right on the waterfront, and you could see Cape Cod hugging the ocean. Their audience was really wonderful - some people came a long way to hear them, and you could tell that everyone loves what they are doing. I felt like I was at some kind of family gathering. If I didn't know someone, I was still able to talk to them like I'd known them for years.

We got back to Boston around 6 or 7pm. I loved how such a getaway could be so close, and not require too much traveling. I'm always on the lookout for such things, and this was one of those days I loved every second of.

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