Sunday, December 19, 2010

Anthony Braxton @ Weslyan University

About 2 weeks ago, I traveled to Middletown, CT to hear Anthony Braxton's Large Ensemble perform at Wesleyan University. This trip was special for a few reasons - I think the most important is that it was unexpected. I've been thinking about trying to visit Braxton at Weslyan for a while (at the suggestion of Joe Morris), and on somewhat of a whim, I threw out the idea on facebook. Joe saw this and informed me of Anthony's fall semester performances, and the next thing I knew, I heard from a friend who said he was up for making the trip to CT.

I drove down there with Dave Dominique, who I'd met at an NEC new music workshop this past summer. He's working on a Ph.D in composition at Brandeis, and also plays trombone. He's a longtime Braxton nut, and we decided to make the drive down about a week in advance.

On the day of the concert, I left NEC at 4 to go to North Station and catch the train to Brandeis, where I met up with Dave. Our route from Waltham to I-84 was a little complicated, because the GPS we were using was set to exclude toll roads. We were in Framingham when we figured this out, and immediately got on I-90. After that, getting to Middletown was a breeze. It took us less than 2 hours to get there from Brandeis.

The idea of going out to Wesleyan was daunting in the past, because there is no direct bus or train connection to Boston. What I didn't realize before is that Middletown is about 20 minutes from Hartford by car. Now, if I ever want to make the trip alone by bus, I'll be maybe a little less hesitant.

We were able to park on the campus and find the concert hall in time to sit and relax for minute before they started playing. Their concert was less than 90 minutes, with a very short intermission. I was completely overjoyed to hear and see this group play, and everyone we met after the concert was wonderful. Braxton warmly greeted us, and seemed really happy that a couple of students would drive there from Boston to hear his group. He invited us to have dinner with everyone at a local bar, with most of us at a big round table (they need these at UNO's!). Dave and I didn't know anyone there, but these people were really easy to talk to, and all of them had worked with him somehow. Dave asked him if we could join the group once a week next semester, and he said we could. We didn't leave Middletown until midnight!

Joe says we're the first active students who are going to try and go down there every week. I don't know if we'll be able to keep it up when the weather gets harsher, but either way, I'm excited to learn more about Braxton and his music, and I think these trips will be highly worthwhile.

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