Sunday, December 5, 2010

Music for the TRIIIBE Installation

In Search of Eden for multiple performers &/or ensembles


Notes on performance:

The stipulations here were made for the purpose of creating a sonic element for TRIIIBE’s installation In Search of Eden at the 808 Gallery at Boston University. However, they may be carried out in any space where there is artwork, interesting structures, or architecture. Stipulations that are specific to the 808 Gallery can be altered or omitted if the performance is elsewhere.

Each stipulation has a number (I-VIII). The numbers can be carried out in any order and should repeat at the will of the performers/ensembles involved. Stipulation V is for an ensemble of three or more - the others can be executed by soloists, or larger groups.

About the gallery and installation:

The 808 Gallery is located along Commonwealth Avenue and is part of Boston University. It is a large rectangular space with two rows of pillars that run in the direction of Commonwealth Avenue. In the Triiibe installation, there are seven large triptychs lining the windows along Commonwealth Avenue, with enough space between each triptych and the windows so that observers inside the gallery can stand between them, and be seen from the street.

About half of the gallery is being used for structures that the artists are building, and the other half is left largely open (except for a few small pieces, and the triptychs in the windows facing the street). There are also bushels of apples spread about the gallery, and a table with mugs and tea.

In Search of Eden -

I. Go to a corner of the gallery, and imitate something you hear from the opposite end of the room.

II. Go to a print, structure, or non-musician, and improvise something based on it, him, or her.

III. Alone or with an ensemble, improvise or play a piece in your repertoire as if you are performing for an audience in a concert hall. If another soloist or ensemble is doing this, make sure you are far away from them so both parties can be heard separately if a listener desires. No more than two ensembles or soloists should be playing at the same time.

IV. Go over to a musician and imitate what they are doing.

V. (Laser Tag) A group of more than 3 people should be spread around the open half of the gallery. Members of the group tag each other by shooting out single sounds of relatively short (but possibly varied) lengths. When a musician tags someone, they must make sure the person they tag notices that they have been tagged. When a musician has been tagged ten times, they must stop playing, and leave the open area. The game ends when all but one person has stopped, and there is no one left to tag. Games can be of various lengths. Limit fast motions (running etc.) to open spaces far away from prints, structures, and observers!

VI. Standing in front of a triptych, play something facing the window, possibly to passers by on Commonwealth Avenue. You may try to interact with them or get their attention if you wish.

VII. Stand outside the long rows of pillars, and play single sounds aimed down Commonwealth Avenue. Use ample silences between tones.

VIII. Take a break. Have a cup of tea. Be an observer.


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