Saturday, March 28, 2015

Roadtrip Playlist, Pittsburgh Video Clips

Tin Hat Trio

Arthur Russell 

From Tara & Lou's drive to Chicago to making our way back to IN and beyond, here's a fairly comprehensive list of things we listened to. We tried not to repeat anything, listening to albums all the way through. Our will to stick to things was help by the fact that, once plugged into a usb port, the ipod we used could not be changed manually.

Tin Hat Trio - The Rodeo Eroded
 History of Rome 
The Band - Brown Album
Best of Mississippi John Hurt
The Free Design - Heaven/Earth
Freakish - Anthony Coleman plays Jelly Roll Morton
Arthur Russell - Another Thought
Art Tatum - 20th Century Piano Genius vol.1
Daniel Johnston - Hi How Are You
The Hilliard Ensemble - Perotin
Ives: Songs (Jan DeGaetani & Gibert Kalish)
Joanna Newsom & the Y's Street Band
Lake Street Dive - Promises, Promises
Ornette Coleman - Beauty is a Rare Thing

Joanna Newsom & the Y's Street Band

Also, here's two clips of our first duo set in Pittsburgh (courtesy of Joshua Tenenbaum)! We were mildly exhausted, but I think it gave us some sort of weird edge that I loved. Check out each video below, then play them both simultaneously. It works really well:

After parting ways with Tara I got on a bus to Boston, where I've been since Sunday morning. I only spent a day feeling hungover from travel, and have since than been working on solo material for a set tonight at the Green Room in Somerville. It's been great to be here visiting - I just had lunch with my brother in JP, and tomorrow I'll be getting on a train to visit my grandparents. After a visit to VT, I'll be returning to NY around the 7th or 8th. After this, I think I want do even more away from NY. It's been great, and I'm loving the situations I've found myself in for the last 3 weeks.    

Mississippi John Hurt
The Free Design

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