Wednesday, August 20, 2014

quick note

Westsider Books on Broadway
I've been back living in NY for over a month now, and I just got back from a quick gig in VT with the brass band. I was up there for 2 1/2 days, and spent most of today in transit. It was definitely refreshing, and (as I may have said before) I love playing in street bands. More than anything else, the Balagan brings me back to VT, and the community inside and around the group is huge. Visiting them also makes me want to blog more. I hate to say it, but living here isn't really conductive to blogging for me. I'm starting to get better at writing regularly, though. Back in February, I was given a journal and a bunch of stationary, which I've been making use of (I've had to start a new journal, and the stationary is almost gone). I've been writing letters to people on a more or less consistent basis since I was 16 or so, and it became more special than email after a couple of years.

Since I've returned to NY, I've found it easier to get around, schedule rehearsals or sessions, and book gigs (to an extent). This is mostly due to my planning on coming back for a while - when I decided to stay in Boston, I knew I'd end up back here, so I had a lot of time to get ready. I started letting people know I was on my way back ahead of time. Actually, NY is feeling much more like VT these days in terms of having a community of folks to work with, and I'm sure that this can only get better if I keep at it. It's always been an important thing, but with all of the global conflict this summer has brought on, it somehow seems more vital.

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