Thursday, December 31, 2015

2015 wrap-up

As 2015 draws to a close, I think I'll remember it (along with 2014) as a pretty pivotal time. It was incredibly trying and difficult - some of the things that had previously put me in a state of alert (like the time I freaked out and decided to apply to grad school) are the things I acted on this year, which have completely altered my course, ultimately changing where and how I live. I don't think I realized the impact that all of this would have on me, and looking back, it's still incredibly strange.

The first semester at Pitt is over, and I feel good about it. Being a student in a university program is a huge contrast to my previous training, and I'm still adjusting to even the smallest differences. It has been rewarding, but has a completely different character. Having to acclimate to this is made easier by the other folks in the incoming class, who are extremely thoughtful and supportive people. After this past semester and the holiday break, Pittsburgh feels like home, and I'm looking forward to returning.

Eric Weidenhof - one of my newest and most loved collaborators
I'll also remember this year as one largely in transit. While I haven't ever toured extensively, I spent less than 2 months worth of time in Astoria before moving to Pittsburgh in August. I started the year with family in MA, then flew to the midwest to look at schools. Most of March was spent touring (at first with Tara & Lou), and I made two additional trips to Pittsburgh between April and June (the second time to sign a lease). By that time, I was essentially free of living in one place, and stayed with family when I didn't have any musical commitments.

Steve playing piano on Long Island over
Thanksgiving Break
July turned into a month-long trip to VT, which was undoubtably the brightest part of the year - the pictures in previous posts provide some photographic evidence of this! I'll always love VT and the kindness of the people that live there. One highlight (among many) came on a night off, sitting around the Manhattan Drive living room with maybe four others. We listened to two or three records straight through (including Thelonious Monk, and the Beach Boys). Halfway through Pet Sounds, one of the people in the room finishes their dinner, looks up, and says "Music is so good!
a therapy dog on the Pitt campus
Since moving to Pittsburgh, I've made trips to both Boston and NY. I'm sure I'll spend the next year continuing to adjust to my new home base - I've already decided I'll probably live on my own when my current lease expires, and I'd like to spend at least part of the summer away from PA. I get an itch for the road sometimes during the semester, and I'm figuring out how to satisfy that while staying on top of these new commitments. Next semester is looking like a full one within the university alone, and I couldn't ask for much more.

Cheers to 2016 !

Cathedral of Learning
w/ Mike Prentky and Lyle Davidson in Boston
w/ Jaimie Branch and Stephen Haynes at SPECTACLE in Hartford, CT
w/ Lou and Tara in Bloomington, IN
366 Manhattan Drive, Burlington, VT

w/ Anna Azizzy Rosati and Dan Malinsky in Pittsburgh
Comp Seminar Final - Anna Elder, Lu-Han Li, and Eric Moe