Thursday, October 13, 2011


3 months and no post, but stuff is happening, and all is well!

I was really bummed out after K moved to Sweden, but since than, things have been going much better all around (got a great postcard on my birthday, too). Call me crazy, but I'm going to miss trips to PA. Sending stuff overseas is cool, but nothing can top hours on the road...far away from Boston.

I'm starting to think about where I'll go when I finish school, and I'm applying for jobs in a few different cities. Hopefully, I can have something lined up by graduation. I'd like to work at a school in CT, NY, or PA, hopefully in a music department, admissions, or something else in that realm. After being in Boston for 7 years, I'm ready for a change, and more than the occasional excursion into the outside world.

This year, I'm cutting down on the amount of musicians I work with on a single project. Big groups are great, but they're not practical. By working with one or two people at most, it's easier to schedule rehearsals, do alot of performances, and constantly invent new material. It'll be better to work that way right out of school.

I'm not ruling big ensembles out. Hopefully, I can get grants to do that kind of stuff over time. It's alot easier to get folks to do things when there's money, and it's better for anyone involved. I've been fortunate to do some awesome things without having to worry about grants, but next year and beyond, we'll be on our own. We all have to pay our bills somehow, right? Everything happening around me now makes me feel really confident about my ability to make things work.

To Be Continued.